Zulkee Choden Rinzin

Zulkee Choden Rinzin
Media Relation Officer

Technology has a great potential in helping to achieve gender equality; the internet and digital platforms can be an amazing place and it has no doubt change many of our lives for the better. As we transition to a more digital environment, digital literacy should be a priority for everyone, especially women and girls. Digital platforms can really open up the possibility for women to create opportunities for themselves and ultimately give them a chance to contribute to the economy. The internet also gives women a sense of agency as they now have opportunities to invest in their own education, learn and develop new skills whilst creating meaningful connections.

However, as more women move online, they are also more susceptible to online risks. Even though most women are aware, it is a problem, they don’t know how to prevent it. It’s important to remember how much we want to share with the public because we never know who can gain access to that information. We need to always check our privacy settings and adjust them according to our needs. There are also several online guides we can refer to on how we can protect ourselves and ensure that our data isn’t used against us. As women, we need to empower and help each other navigate the digital world without fear.

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