
326,560 Services were provided to 9,745 Clients since 2004.


RENEW offers free counseling services, including individual, joint/couple, and family counseling, to those affected by domestic violence and gender-based violence across the country.

Type of Cases handled by Service Unit including 10 RENEW CSCs

Total Case : 542
64 Male
478 Female
Cases handled by HQ : 239
32 Male
207 Female
10 RENEW CSCs : 303
32 Male
271 Female


The RENEW scholarship program has been providing educational support to vulnerable children since 2005. These children are survivors of domestic violence and sexual and gender-based violence, and children who have been abandoned and neglected.

The program provides financial support to students from the pre-primary level till the 12th grade. After 12th grade, other means of support are sought such as college scholarships and sponsorships to continue education or take up vocational training.

Initially Friends of RENEW supported scholarships for children in need. In 2011, it became a full-fledged program with long-term support from the AHF (Australian Himalayan Foundation).

Scholarship Recipients, 2019 - 2023
Scholarship Program

The RENEW scholarship program has been providing educational support to vulnerable children since 2005. These children are survivors of domestic violence and sexual and gender-based violence, and children who have been abandoned and neglected. The programme provides financial support to students from the pre-primary level till the 12th grade. After 12th grade other means of support are sought such as college scholarships and sponsorships to continue education or take up vocational training.

Initially Friends of RENEW supported scholarships for children in need. In 2011, it became a full-fledged program with long term support of the AHF (Australian Himalayan Foundation).

Program Aims
  1. Create conducive learning environment for children through scholarship support.
  2. Prevent children from dropping out of schools due to lack of financial support.
  3. Provide immediate support to children impacted domestic violence/gender-based violence.
  4. Ensure children of their rights to safe, healthy, happy, equitable, just and fulfilling life.
  5. Increase opportunities to progress to tertiary education.
Program Procedure
  1. Parents/guardians/schools/local leaders/CBSS Volunteers refer children in need to RENEW.
  2. Registration of applicants at RENEW Service Unit
  3. Applicant assessment done by counsellors and selection by the scholarship committee.
  4. Fund disbursement and other support.

Since the program began in 2005, hundreds of children have received education support from RENEW. From 2019 to 2023, 928 children across the country were scholarship recipients. Across the country there were 197 students under the program in 2023, with 27 students living permanently at the Gawaling Happy Home shelter in Thimphu.

Way Forward

RENEW will continue to strengthen the program and reach out to as many children that need educational support, particularly vulnerable children and survivors of domes tic violence and sexual abuse, to enable them to become socially and economically productive individuals.

Gawailing Happy Home

The Gawailing Happy Home, RENEW’s safe home, provides emergency protection and psycho-social care services to survivors and family members of domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence, including children.

Managed by a qualified counselor, property manager, and caretakers, the Happy Home services are available 24 hours a day and as of December 2023. The Gawailing Happy Home represents an integral service RENEW provides to survivors of domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence who need immediate protection and a safe place to heal and rebuild their lives.

More than 1,800 beneficiaries, including 1,098 girls and 292 boys, have sheltered in Gawailing since it opened in 2013.

The Gawailing Happy Home provides:
  1. Counseling for families, couples and individuals. As part of counseling we have healing programs too.
  2. Pro-bono Legal Aid with full-time professional lawyers for a range of legal services.
  3. Pyscho-social care.
  4. Emergency Shelter for protection of survivors and their families during crisis.
  5. Scholarship for vulnerable children and social orphans.
  6. Livelihood skills and Micro Finance as part of the social integration scheme.
  7. Gawailing provides ECCD, medical aid services and children’s recreation park.
Gawailing Happy Home Beneficiaries 2013 - 2023
HTML Table Generator



 2013  187
2014  228 
2015 147
 2016 171 
2017 195 
2018 221 
2019 178
2020   327
2021 59 
 2022 61 
 2023  52
How it began

RENEW began providing emergency shelter services in 2005, a year after its inception as some walk in clients needed protection and safety. For several years RENEW operated an undisclosed shelter space in the capital before the Gawailing Happy Home opened in 2013. As and when required, emergency services are accessible in 10 of the country’s 20 districts overseen by a qualified counselor and case manager.

Way Forward

In the next five years RENEW will expand emergency shelter services to all 20 districts in partnership with the local communities and volunteers, to advance the crucial agenda of enabling survivors of domestic and gender based violence to rebuild their lives and become socially and economically productive individuals.

Legal Aid

Free legal aid is provided. Ninety-five percent of all clients require legal aid of some form. Legal aid provided varies from writing legal letters to representing the case in court.

RENEW legal aid service can be availed by those who feel that they are being abuse and is a victim of Gender Based Violence;

  1. Victims of DV/GBV
  2. Vulnerable women and children
  3. Person with Disability
  4. People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS)
  5. LGBTQI +++ community

RENEW shall provide the following legal aid services;

• Legal Advice
• Legal Assistance
• Mediation
• Legal Representation

Legal Advice, legal Assistance and Legal Representation will be available in the following civil cases:
• Gender discrimination;
• Claims in Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence cases;
• Matrimonial issues; and
• Child Abuse, Custody, alimony, paternity test and maintenance rights.

RENEW shall provide the following legal aid services in criminal cases:

• Legal Advice; and
• Legal Assistance including:

Filing application for bail process in cases of Domestic violence
Assist in securing protection order
Facilitating and Referral to the relevant agency
Legal Representation; through Retained legal firm.

Legal Representation in civil matters;

Legal representation in civil matters will entail representing vulnerable women and male victims of domestic violence for the following:
(1) Claims for child support;
(2) Claims for spousal support;
(3) Matrimonial issues;
(4) Claims for remedial services and other relief (medical bills, incident expenses, and others)
(5) Child custody.

Legal Representation in criminal matters;

1) Women and children in Self defense
2) Allegation of sexual assault, DV
3) single parents seeking child support from ex-partners,
4) victims of domestic violence,
5) parents seeking custody, support or access of children


RENEW introduced the Microfinance Project in 2021. RENEW Microfinance Project has been certified as a Deposit Taking MFI by the RMA and has been incorporated as Private Limited Company under the Companies Act of Bhutan 2016. The Company now covers ten Dzongkhags.