Our Advisory Governing Board

The RENEW Advisory Governing Board is composed of representatives from key Government Ministries and private agencies. Advisory Board members are appointed by RENEW and offer support and expertise in areas critical to the advancement of RENEW’s vision and goals.

Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck


Major General Chimi Dorji

Chief of Police, Royal Bhutan Police

Mr. Thinley Namgyel

Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Mr. Pemba Wangchuk

Secretary, Ministry of Health

Mr. Sonam Tobgay

MD, Lhaki Group

Mr. Tashi Tshering

Director, Lhaki Group

Our Working Board

Mr. Sonam Tobgay Dorji

Advisory governing board member and Chair of working board

Mr. Norbu Wangchuk

Former Education Minister

Dr.Rinchen Chopel

Independent member of CRC committee

Mr. Dorji Phub

Management, planning, implementation, M&E in Public Health

Mr. Karma Tshering


Mrs. Ugyen Tshomo

Assistance Professor of PCE, Advocates on CSE at colleges

Mrs. Sonam Chuki

GM, RICBL, Phuntsholing Thromde

Ms. Yeshey Dema

Hear my voice, Women Network, and Global Shaper. Female Head Representative of JSW law school

Ms. Kezang Choden

Volunteer Focal, Social Worker in field of gender and SRHR