The Druk Adolescent’s Initiative on Sexual Awareness Network (DAISAN) is a young volunteer network established in 2011 to address adolescents sexual reproductive health and rights, gender based violence and adolescents and mental health among youth aged 13- 24 years. Initiated and managed entirely by RENEW’s young volunteers, it is one of the two networks established in all 20 districts that partners with RENEW to advocate against domestic violence and promotes adolescent reproductive health and rights, fostering participation and enhancing youth-adult partnerships.

How it works

DAISAN focal persons are teachers who receive training on Early Identification and Safe Referral and on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) from RENEW which are rolled out to student members during club hours in the schools. As DAISAN graduate from school they continue and merge with Y-PEER network of Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD).


Initially started with 25 members as a student action group, today it has expanded to 41 schools with 900 members from primary to higher secondary level and operates as a club system. In recent years, the club hours have become more recreational hours led by youth where awareness is rolled out as an activity rather than presentations by teacher focal persons.

Way Forward

The network is now collaborating with the ministry of education and skills development to work together with the existing Peer helper network in schools where it will promote adolescents reproductive health and rights through Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). DAISAN is also widening its scope to address other issues of youth and young people, including substance abuse and leveraging technology, and will further expand the network to reach out of school youth through peer to peer engagement.

DAISAN focuses on two main activities:

• Spreading awareness of SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights)

• Advocating against GBV (Gender Based Violence)

Members of DAISAN:

• In school youth

• Out of school youth

• Young employees


• A responsible, safe and happy adoles – cence for every youth.

• Elimination of Gender based violence.

• Maximum youth involvement and sup – port.

DAISAN Objectives:

• Spread awareness about SRHR.

• Promote gender equality.

• Encourage meaningful participation and strengthen Youth-Adult partnership.